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Damon Dash’s Film, “Honor Up,” Gives a Violent, Soulful Rendition of Urban Life



The life of Damon Dash appears to be an epic triumph to some, a Shakespearean tragedy to others. It depends on where you’re standing when you look at him. After speaking with the hip hop mogul turned entrepreneur and filmmaker, I can tell you Dame Dash’s story is more nuanced and complex; and is still being written.

Dash hopes his new film, Honor Up, a semi-autobiographical story about the code of street honor, executive produced by Kanye West, and starring Dash, Nicholas Turturro, Michael Rispoli and Cam’ron; will give audiences an authentic portrait of who he is beyond the media’s checkered narrative. He tells me the unwavering code of honor depicted in the movie has informed every choice he’s made in his adult life. 

A kid from Harlem, who lost his mother in his youth, Dash quickly took on a hustler’s mentality, adopting the OG street code which propelled him from promoting nightclubs and rap artists to reaching the apex of the music industry with the success of he and Jay-Z’s Rock-A-Fella records label, and the urban lifestyle brand, Roc-A-Wear. It was Dash’s unwavering vision and tenacity, and his loyalty to artists he believed in, that launched the careers of Jay-Z, Kevin Hart, Kanye West and his ex-wife, fashion designer, Rachel Roy.

Since splitting from Jay-Z and dissolving Roc-A-Fella records, he’s been painted by the entertainment industry as an incorrigible and unruly outsider; a man who wouldn’t drink the Kool-Aid or fall in line with Hollywood or music industry politics. As Dash made clear to me during out conversation, he refuses to ever bow down to corporate demands, and therefore chooses to self-fund his many projects, from film and art to fashion.

After years of personal and professional heartbreaks, Dash found an unwavering ally in longtime love and business partner, Raquel Horn. Horn is Dash’s creative muse and collaborator, while Dash is Horn’s mentor and idea facilitator. Together, the two have launched Dame Dash Studios, Dash Diabetes Network, their Poppington fashion line, and the beginnings of an independent movie studio. Damon Dash is a man in his creative renaissance…and in love.


TME: Tell me about the most influential people in your life…birth to present day?

Damon Dash: My mother was a big influence in my life. She passed away when I was fifteen. I would say Muhammad Ali was a big influence on my life, my OG Daniel (Dash’s childhood mentor, Daniel Jenkins, the inspiration behind Dash’s new film, Honor Up) is one of the most influential people in my life from when I was younger. That was one of the reasons why I made the movie, Honor Up.

TME: Your mom passing when you were fifteen, how did it impact who you became?

Damon Dash: It made me fearless. The one thing I was afraid of up until I was 15 was that my mother would die, and then she did. It made me very aware of my mind, in that, if you worry about something it usually realizes itself. I try not to worry about anything. Because my mother spoiled me, and she wasn’t there to spoil me anymore, it made me the business savage that I am. I wanted to maintain that lifestyle.

At the time, my pops wasn’t going to be able to give me that, so I had to do it myself. I think in a strange way, if my mom was still here I wouldn’t have made the history that I’ve made, because nothing would have felt so urgent. Someone can teach you how to survive, but you really don’t get those skills until you have to. [Her passing] made it where I had to, and she taught me well.

TME: You refuse to take a paycheck. You’re someone who has to have ownership in everything you do. Speaking for myself, I can say there was a time in my life when I asked myself if I was for sale, or if I was not for sale. Can you recall a defining moment when you asked yourself that same question, and determined that you were not for sale?

Damon Dash: I’ve been a street entrepreneur since I was very young, since my mother died, because I had no choice. I’ve never had a boss. I’m from Harlem and I think I’m cooler than everybody, so it would be hard for me to have someone telling me what to do. It’s not about working for somebody, because I always have equity. I have something, and then I may need to take it to another level, so there would be a business relationship or a partnership. But I would always walk away from certain partnerships, because I didn’t like the moral value of that person. It’s offensive when someone that I don’t respect presents me with an opportunity to work for them and tries to control me. I don’t even know what that means, working for someone else. It’s not a mathematical equation that makes sense to me.

TME: How do you define God?

Damon Dash: You can’t define God. That’s how I define it. It’s undefinable. I can’t fathom God; just one entity controlling everything. I have no idea, and the 90% of our brain that we can’t use or access, we can’t really fathom what that is. Maybe if I had access to more of my brain, I could begin to fathom that.

TME: You don’t have a sense of knowing, or belief about it?

Damon Dash: If there is a God, it’s a woman.

TME: And why do you say that?

Damon Dash: Why wouldn’t it be that way? Men are stupid. God could never be a man, because men are too insecure. There’s wars, we fight. It’s illogical and stupid. That’s all insecurity. I don’t think God would have those characteristics.

TME: What did you learn about love from your time with Aaliyah?

Damon Dash: I learned exactly how happy love can make a person. It was a feeling that I never knew existed before. What it did teach me is to recognize love, and to appreciate love. It also taught me never to mess with an artist, because they’re always on the road. You never see them. The more you love them, the more you miss them. It made me appreciate what I had in that moment, and it made me recognize love with my girl Raquel (Dash’s girlfriend and business partner, Raquel Horn). I knew that feeling. It was familiar to me, because I felt that with Aaliyah.

TME: Describe Aaliyah’s character; the person you knew her to be.

Damon Dash: Aaliyah loved life. She loved to laugh. She was color blind, a great soul, a ridiculous amount of swag and great taste. And those were the same exact qualities I saw in Raquel. For me, the greatest thing about Aaliyah was that we were both from somewhat of an extreme circumstance, you know, urban, in the hood. And we both had such a desire for things that were so unhood. But in those environments that were unhood, we would still have that hood swagger and we could laugh at things. Aaliyah and I used to spend a lot of time laughing at the corniness of life. We both found people’s insecurities very funny.

TME: Would you like to see a movie made about your beginnings, during the rise of Roc-A-Fella Records, and that time in your life?

Damon Dash: That’s inevitable, whether I make it or somebody else does. I am very aware and clear of what I have done, and my impact on this world. They’ve already made Aaliyah’s story, and I was in that. Let’s say they don’t do my story, everyone else’s story that I’ve been a part of, I’ll be in there. At the end of the day, I like to control my likeness, so I’ve already started that process. This movie, Honor Up, is about me and my ideals growing up.


TME: What is your opinion about how the media has cast you over the past decade? What have they gotten right, and what have they gotten wrong?

Damon Dash: I’ve been able to manipulate them exactly the way I’ve wanted to. I’m very aware that an independent person like me that does things on his own, that my success would mean other people’s failure. Everyone that’s getting robbed, and everyone that’s doing the robbing, would fail. I’m the guy that doesn’t rob and does everything honorably. If I can show that I can do things honorably, that would make other people need to do things honorably. The way they were portraying me in the newspapers, it wasn’t very intelligent.

TME: Do you think you’ve been caricaturized?

Damon Dash: They never showed Damon Dash the businessman; Damon Dash, the single father raising his son alone from the time he was eight years old; Damon Dash living with Type 1 Diabetes; or the man who’s running all these different companies.


TME: Where did the negative portrayals of your character come in?

Damon Dash: I didn’t want to do Rock-A-Fella anymore. I wasn’t trying to just do music. I didn’t want to be typecast. I wanted to do fashion. I wanted to do things that were multicultural, and I wanted to run around the world. And I knew walking away from Jay Z, that all Jay-Z fans were going to start with me and try to get at me. I know that controversy sells papers. I needed everybody to think I wasn’t doing well so nobody would ask me for anything. But all those years, I was owning Rachel Roy, a $75 million company. I was running around the world, I had galleries and things like that. But Dame was under the radar. And they left me alone. I always thought it was funny that they made me the underdog. I could have been nice. I could have worked with these people that have no morals and no values and spent their money instead of having to keep re-investing my own money.

TME: But you walked away.

Damon Dash: I decided freedom was priceless, happiness is priceless. I needed to raise my daughters. It wasn’t conducive for my daughters in a hip hop environment, because you have a bunch of young, insecure, aggressive men. I realized that with the internet there is no buffer, and I can tell the truth whenever I want. No one can stop me. Whoever wants me will come find me, and they’ll see the truth.

TME: Let’s talk about your new movie, Honor Up. You wrote and directed this movie, you play a central character, and you put up your own money to make it. How long has this story been in you, wanting to come out?

Damon Dash: I always knew I would tell this story, but what made me want to tell it now, and in this way, was a moment when I was hearing a lot of things about people I was close to from my past, that contradicted all our morals and values. It bugged me out, because these were the people I respected the most. I just couldn’t believe it, and it hurt. So I made a movie about it. I want people to understand my morals and principals, why I don’t look the other way and who taught me.

TME: This movie, Honor Up, will help people to better understand you and what makes you tick.

Damon Dash: I think people need to know the rules. Maybe people aren’t living by them now, and that’s the reason I kind of stay in my bubble. Maybe now people will understand why I don’t compromise, why I won’t bend over for a dollar. Because I was taught the right way by certain kind of people. With this movie, I want people to hear the voice that taught me, from the voice that taught me. When you see this movie, you’re going to see my real OG, the voice I heard when I was fifteen (Dash is referring to his childhood mentor, a man by the name of Daniel Jenkins).

TME: A big theme in Honor Up is the street code of not being a snitch, not talking to the police. Let’s set up a scenario. In December 1990, John Gotti was arrested by the FBI and NYPD. He was indicted on multiple counts of racketeering, extortion, jury tampering and murder. He strongly believed in the oath of silence he took as a “made man” with the Gambino family. He didn’t provide any information to the government; he didn’t strike a deal with prosecutors. John Gotti went away for life and he died in prison. Weighing everything: family, life, everything… had that been you, would you have stuck to the street code like he did, and gone away for life?

Damon Dash: If you’re gonna do the crime, do the time, period. Two people sign on to a contract, whether everybody else’s principals are different, you sign on to a contract, and you have to abide by it.

TME: You do know that a lot of guys don’t abide by it.

Damon Dash: That’s why I made the movie. That’s why I got out of the streets. I knew that at some point I would have to kill, or I’d have to go to jail and I would have to do the time.

TME: You would not make a deal or rat anybody out. You would go away for life.

Damon Dash: Yeah. If I did the crime? Yeah. That’s the game. You think I would be so low as to put one of my friends in jail? Someone that I hung out with, I know their kids, I know their girl? Just so I don’t go to jail, I put him in jail? Nah, I couldn’t live with myself. If you make a conscious choice to do something, you got to stand behind it. Now if you’re a civilian, and let’s say someone accused you of doing something you didn’t do, you never hustled and all that other stuff, you didn’t sign on to that game. That’s a different story. But for someone that signed on to the game, you know you’re not supposed to be doing that.

TME: Is there a spiritual component to your beliefs?

Damon Dash: I understand spirituality. I read The Seat of the Soul [by Gary Zukav]. That book changed my life. That was actually the connection between Aaliyah and me.

TME: Did you read that book together?

Damon Dash: All of those books, yes. And I made my whole crew read that book. Me and Aaliyah, that was our connection. We read all of those books. That book scares me, because when she died I had all those books around me. I had one book called, When You Lose Your Soulmate right on the bed. I was so into that, that I almost felt like it was to prepare me for her death. If I hadn’t read those books, I don’t think I would have dealt with it the same.

TME: Have you read, Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss? That’s my favorite one.

Damon Dash: Yes, I did. I read so many of those books. That’s what got me through [Aaliyah’s] death. But I had so many of those books scattered around my room. At every bed post I had something related to the soul and the evolution of it. I think I’m about at a deep purple right now.

TME: (Laughs) Your crown chakra is fully activated.

Damon Dash: I’m floating.

TME: Kanye West executive produced your movie, Honor Up. The two of you go way back to when you launched his music career. What was different about working with Kanye on a film, versus musically?

Damon Dash: This time I’m the artist and he’s the businessman. Whereas, I used to showcase his art, he’s now showcasing mine. He used to play his records for me. Now, I was coming back and playing cuts of the film for him. It was a total role reversal. It was a great example of the OG being happy that someone younger than you can have more power than you with certain things, and can help you. You build people, so they can build you. I wasn’t expecting him to do all that he did. You never know what Kanye’s going to do, but I know that he’s inspired by art. It was the first time that, instead of me helping somebody, somebody was helping me. He gets it. Some people don’t understand that helping people makes you the happiest. The happiness that Kanye got from helping me, it was contagious.

TME: Can you see you and Kanye West forming an ongoing partnership with a film production company?

Damon Dash: We just started one, that’s what we’re doing! You know me; I don’t play. I hit you with flurries. I’m prepping to shoot my third movie right now. This film was the first time, to my knowledge, that I have ever seen Kanye put his name on something that he can’t control. The fact that he acknowledged my art in that way, shows that this is some real art. Kanye is not going to co-sign something corny. But the respect level was there, which is what I appreciated the most.

TME: What do you say to people who feel that a movie like Honor Up, which does depict street violence, is perpetuating a stereotype, or that it’s a negative influence on your younger fans?

Damon Dash: Any movie that’s about war, you have to show the war to learn from it. Whoever looks at it like that, isn’t from the street. They don’t understand. I’m not trying to preach to the converted. That was my reality, and that’s what I learned from. That’s what smartened me up. I hope that people can see every element in this movie. The story is authentic. There’s so many different artistic levels. It’s not just bullets. It’s about the message. It’s art, and I think anyone who really looks at it will recognize it as art.

TME: When you wake up in the morning and your feet hit the floor, which is foremost on your mind, making money or making art?

Damon Dash: Making art. Never making money. I think money is overrated. That’s why I spend so much of it. I don’t even want to hold it. It makes people go crazy. I wouldn’t do anything for money that I wouldn’t do for free.

TME: A lot of people may not know that you are a Type 1 Diabetic and have been since you were 15 years old.

Damon Dash: I made it public a long time ago, but people don’t talk about those kinds of things. I always thought it was important to bring awareness to it, because I’ve had it since I was fifteen and I have noticed all the misconceptions that come with it. It’s a 24-hour disease. And for me, as a diabetic, I always want to hear about another diabetic’s story. I know if they are winning, that I can win. And there are a lot of celebrities that have it, and they don’t want to talk about it. I’ve never understood that. They think it’s a weakness, whereas I think it’s a strength.

I want people to know that every great thing I’ve done, every time I’ve made history, it’s always been as a diabetic. We started a network called the Dash Diabetes Network. We talk about diet, working out, mental well-being and just being healthy, overall. When you’re a diabetic you have to live a healthy lifestyle. You have no choice. I’m a vegan. Well, let me say I eat a plant-based diet. I can’t say I’m completely vegan, because I still own a leather jacket or two and I have leather seats in my car. Rocky (Dash’s nickname for his girlfriend and business partner, Raquel) has created a vegan handbag as part of our Poppington fashion line.

TME: Let’s talk about your network, Dame Dash Studios. It features your films, your radio show, musical projects, your Poppington fashion line, Dash Diabetes Network and your personal travels around the world. It’s like a VIP ticket to all things Dame Dash. Tell me about the vision for this studio.

Damon Dash: At the end of the day, the direct to consumer relationship is the new wave, and it keeps me independent. I can stay uncensored and I can say what I want; can’t nobody fire me. I can do whatever I want, and above and beyond anything, I can pass it down to my children. I can pass it on to my wife. Raquel is wifey for lifey. She is the one who inspired me to embrace my artistic nature after watching me make everybody else famous. Falling in love, embracing art, that’s why I say that I’m purple right now (referring to the color associated with spirituality), because I’m elated. I’m happy. I just love the fact that I’m being artistic, that I’m being unapologetic about my point of view and fearless about speaking on my art.

Damon Dash’s movie, Honor Up, hits select theatres and VOD February 16, 2018.

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 five quintessential Indian love stories that have left an indelible mark on audiences.



 I’ve curated a list of five quintessential Indian love stories that have left an indelible mark on audiences. Each film is a testament to the rich tapestry of romance in Indian cinema, blending compelling narratives with stellar performances.

1. Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995)

Genre: Romance, Drama

Runtime: 3 hours 9 minutes

Actors: Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol

Writer: Aditya Chopra

Director: Aditya Chopra

Studio: Yash Raj Films

Synopsis: A timeless tale of love, the film follows Raj and Simran, who meet during a European vacation and fall in love, only to face familial opposition upon returning to India.

Where to Watch: Available on Netflix.

2. Jab We Met (2007)

Genre: Romance, Comedy

Runtime: 2 hours 18 minutes

Actors: Shahid Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor

Writer: Imtiaz Ali

Director: Imtiaz Ali

Studio: Shree Ashtavinayak Cine Vision Ltd.

Synopsis: A heartwarming story of a depressed businessman who finds a new lease on life after meeting a spirited and talkative girl on a train journey.

Where to Watch: Available on Netflix.

3. Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (2013)

Genre: Romance, Drama

Runtime: 2 hours 40 minutes

Actors: Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone

Writer: Ayan Mukerji, Hussain Dalal (dialogues)

Director: Ayan Mukerji

Studio: Dharma Productions

Synopsis: The film explores the journey of four friends, focusing on the evolving relationship between Bunny and Naina, as they navigate love, dreams, and friendship.

Where to Watch: Available on Netflix.

4. Barfi! (2012)

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama

Runtime: 2 hours 31 minutes

Actors: Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Ileana D’Cruz

Writer: Anurag Basu

Director: Anurag Basu

Studio: UTV Motion Pictures

Synopsis: Set in the 1970s, the film tells the story of a mute and deaf man named Barfi and his relationships with two women, highlighting love beyond societal norms.

Where to Watch: Available on Netflix.

5. Manmarziyaan (2018)

Genre: Romance, Drama

Runtime: 2 hours 35 minutes

Actors: Abhishek Bachchan, Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal

Writer: Kanika Dhillon

Director: Anurag Kashyap

Studio: Phantom Films, Aanand L. Rai

Synopsis: A contemporary love triangle that delves into the complexities of modern relationships, commitment, and the choices individuals make in love.

Where to Watch: Available on Netflix.

These films encapsulate the essence of Indian romance, each offering a unique perspective on love and relationships. They are readily available for streaming, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in these captivating tales.

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the Top 10 List of Korean Romance Dramas with details on where you can stream them



1. Crash Landing on You (2019–2020)

Cast: Hyun Bin, Son Ye-jin

Director: Lee Jung-hyo

Writer: Park Ji-eun

Episodes: 16

Where to Watch: Netflix

Summary: A South Korean heiress crash-lands in North Korea and is rescued by a North Korean officer. Their love transcends borders in this heartfelt drama.

2. Goblin (Guardian: The Lonely and Great God) (2016–2017)

Cast: Gong Yoo, Kim Go-eun, Lee Dong-wook

Director: Lee Eung-bok

Writer: Kim Eun-sook

Episodes: 16 (+ 3 special episodes)

Where to Watch: Viki, Amazon Prime Video

Summary: A goblin cursed with immortality seeks his bride, the only one who can end his eternal life. This story is packed with humor, heartache, and breathtaking visuals.

3. Descendants of the Sun (2016)

Cast: Song Joong-ki, Song Hye-kyo

Director: Lee Eung-bok

Writer: Kim Eun-sook, Kim Won-seok

Episodes: 16 (+ 3 special episodes)

Where to Watch: Viki, Netflix

Summary: A soldier and a doctor navigate love amidst war zones and life-threatening decisions.

4. Itaewon Class (2020)

Cast: Park Seo-joon, Kim Da-mi

Director: Kim Sung-yoon

Writer: Gwang Jin (based on a webtoon)

Episodes: 16

Where to Watch: Netflix

Summary: A determined young man opens a bar in Itaewon to seek revenge against a corrupt company while discovering unexpected love.

5. What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim (2018)

Cast: Park Seo-joon, Park Min-young

Director: Park Joon-hwa

Writer: Jung Kyung-yoon (novel), Jung Eun-young (screenplay)

Episodes: 16

Where to Watch: Viki, Netflix

Summary: A narcissistic CEO is baffled when his loyal secretary announces her resignation, leading to a romantic and comedic journey.

6. My Love from the Star (2013–2014)

Cast: Kim Soo-hyun, Jun Ji-hyun

Director: Jang Tae-yoo

Writer: Park Ji-eun

Episodes: 21

Where to Watch: Viki, Hulu

Summary: A centuries-old alien living on Earth falls for a famous actress, creating a love story that blends sci-fi with romance.

7. Hotel Del Luna (2019)

Cast: IU, Yeo Jin-goo

Director: Oh Choong-hwan

Writers: Hong Jung-eun, Hong Mi-ran

Episodes: 16

Where to Watch: Viki, Netflix

Summary: A mystical hotel for ghosts, run by a cursed and captivating woman, sets the stage for a love story that spans lifetimes.

8. Twenty-Five Twenty-One (2022)

Cast: Kim Tae-ri, Nam Joo-hyuk

Director: Jung Ji-hyun

Writer: Kwon Do-eun

Episodes: 16

Where to Watch: Netflix

Summary: Set during the 1997 financial crisis, a teenage fencer and a young man bond over dreams and hardships in this nostalgic romance.

9. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo (2016–2017)

Cast: Lee Sung-kyung, Nam Joo-hyuk

Director: Oh Hyun-jong

Writer: Yang Hee-seung

Episodes: 16

Where to Watch: Viki, Netflix

Summary: A young weightlifter navigates love, friendship, and self-discovery in this charming romantic comedy.

10. Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (2021)

Cast: Shin Min-a, Kim Seon-ho

Director: Yoo Je-won

Writer: Shin Ha-eun

Episodes: 16

Where to Watch: Netflix

Summary: A big-city dentist moves to a seaside village and finds love and healing with a local handyman in this heartwarming tale.

These dramas are available on popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Viki, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu, making them easy to access for fans worldwide.

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Top-five list of romantic Japanese anime



1. Your Lie in April (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso)

Director: Kyohei Ishiguro

Writer: Takao Yoshioka (screenplay), Naoshi Arakawa (manga)

Animation Studio: A-1 Pictures

Genre: Romance, Drama, Music

Runtime: Approx. 22 minutes per episode

Number of Episodes: 22

Streaming Platform: Crunchyroll, Netflix, Hulu

Synopsis: A talented young pianist, Kosei Arima, loses his ability to hear the piano after his mother’s death. His world changes when he meets the spirited violinist Kaori Miyazono, who teaches him to embrace music and life again.

2. Fruits Basket (2019 Reboot)

Director: Yoshihide Ibata

Writer: Taku Kishimoto (screenplay), Natsuki Takaya (manga)

Animation Studio: TMS Entertainment

Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Slice of Life

Runtime: Approx. 23 minutes per episode

Number of Episodes: 63 (3 seasons)

Streaming Platform: Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu

Synopsis: Orphaned Tohru Honda moves in with the mysterious Soma family, who harbor a magical curse: members transform into animals of the Chinese Zodiac. Amid unraveling secrets, she finds love and healing.

3. Toradora!

Director: Tatsuyuki Nagai

Writer: Mari Okada (screenplay), Yuyuko Takemiya (light novel)

Animation Studio: J.C. Staff

Genre: Romantic Comedy, Slice of Life

Runtime: Approx. 25 minutes per episode

Number of Episodes: 25

Streaming Platform: Crunchyroll, Netflix, HIDIVE

Synopsis: Ryuuji Takasu and Taiga Aisaka strike an unlikely alliance to help each other win over their crushes, only to discover their feelings for each other along the way.

4. Violet Evergarden

Director: Taichi Ishidate

Writer: Reiko Yoshida (screenplay), Kana Akatsuki (light novel)

Animation Studio: Kyoto Animation

Genre: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life

Runtime: Approx. 25 minutes per episode

Number of Episodes: 13 + Special + Movies

Streaming Platform: Netflix

Synopsis: Violet, a former child soldier, seeks purpose as a ghostwriter and learns about love and human emotion through her clients’ stories.

5. Snow White with the Red Hair (Akagami no Shirayuki-hime)

Director: Masahiro Ando

Writer: Deko Akao (screenplay), Sorata Akizuki (manga)

Animation Studio: Bones

Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Drama

Runtime: Approx. 24 minutes per episode

Number of Episodes: 24 (2 seasons)

Streaming Platform: Crunchyroll, Funimation

Synopsis: Shirayuki, a herbalist with red hair, flees her kingdom after catching the attention of a lecherous prince. She finds a new home and love with Prince Zen of the neighboring kingdom.

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